
Or 0.5. Shit. It just hit me. I’m actually doing this. I might have said this same thing before. But all of it is so surreal to me and when realisation kicks in I have a brief moment of unexplainable feelings. Like now. Because tomorrow I’m leaving.

My backpack is waiting in the corner. My flight is scheduled. Got all the bits and pieces that apparently I CANNOT leave without. Thanks for that all you traveller’s backpacking lists. I probably won’t need half of it.

The past couple of days have been filled with goodbyes and see you agains. With the most beautiful and loving people I know. With wine and chocolates. Pizza even. And a flu. Classic, but who am I kidding, been partying more than I can afford ha! But it was more than worth it. I feel humbled to know and have so many incredibly awesome people in my life, I’ve always known that, but I do even more now. We tend to live so much more in the moment when we are about to let go. Life always gets us, doesn’t it. In good ways. It’s always meant to be. And this trip is meant to be for me. What it will bring, I have no flippin idea, but who cares anyway. I’m free. Freeeeeer than I’ve ever been. And typing this just now makes me realise that I only feel free when I’m not physically attached to a job, a flat, a partner? But that’s total bullshit now that I’m thinking about it. We’re ALWAYS free. Always. We just get lost in life. In the past. In the future. And forget that the present moment is all we ever have. And right there, that’s freedom. Because nothing matters, only you and your moment.

How incredible is it. I’ve only just recently discovered that writing things down is such a revelation, a relief. Self help. And it makes you understand things. See them clearer. Try it. Probably said this before too, ha. Don’t get bored, I promise my next post will be about Bali 🙂

I’m off. See you on the other side. Love you all x

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