M’am only one more shop

Today’s been epic. In more than one way, good and bad ways. But I’m here, in the middle of the mayhem that is Delhi. After a slightly dodgy taxi ride with slightly speed obsessed driver in the more than slightly dark, paying double because arranged driver couldn’t find me (not that I was almost the only foreigner at the airport at that late hour), unfriendly hotel staff, a WHOLE day of sight seeing and ‘only one more shop m’am. only looking and if not like, not buy!’ I love how simple life is in Delhi, not like, not buy! Duh! I did buy. Only a new journal though and I think I bargained hard. No biggie. In the second shop I was sorta forced to visit I made the round super quick just for the sake of it. Too quick apparently. My driver didn’t get points registered with the textile mafia for bringing customers. Oooops, sorry driver. He wasn’t pleased, I’m not exactly a doozy of a customer. Next up more dodgy SIM card and train ticket businesses. I have both now. And the next couple of days will reveal how legit they are. Ha. I believe in the good. It can’t be all that bad and frankly it isn’t as long as you stay on your toes. If that’s a thing. 

So with that massive extensive sight seeing tour I’ve exhausted myself and my limited sight seeing capability. But I’ve got some great shots on my camera. I’ll just need to remember which tomb is which sight at some point in the future. One of the sights deserves some more attention. The Lotus Temple or also called Baha’i House of Worship. Its teachings are based on the concept of Oneness of God, Oneness of Religion and Oneness of Mankind – isn’t that so true? So, we’re guided into the beautiful inside of the lotus in small groups, noise forbidden as it’s a place of meditation. And as I take my seat, I can feel random tears urging me to let them break free. I had no idea where they were coming from, it was so sudden, literally the moment I sat my bum down on the bench. Flippin powerful place. I let them run for a bit. No noise, promise. And went on with my day feeling much more relaxed and grounded. I mean, not that I don’t believe in powerful energies and magical places, but it’s a different story when you can actually feel.

So here I am. Writing down my day eating Pizza Hut – yes, you are actually reading PIZZA HUT – on my shabby hotel bed out of fear of Delhi Belly. Haha! What an idiot, I was good for lunch though! Dahl and rice, nomm nomm. Ah and you get cubes of sugar cane with cumin and fennel seeds for digestion after your meal. How cool! Obligatory Chai Tea for dessert.


It’s a see you again. Fo shizzles.

I’m down to my last couple of days in beyond fabulous Indonesia and even more magical Bali. A piece of my heart will stay here. Forever. Anyone that’s been to this Island can probably relate and will agree that nothing quite compares. To the beauty of nature. The countless beaches with their gentle but powerful and relentless waves perched beneath stunning cliffs and hidden between massive rocks. The people. Always friendly and smiley, helpful and kind mixed with a great and fun crowd of laid back surfer dudes and bikini chicks.More nature. Beautifully laid out over rolling hills and volcano peaks. Lush green jungle animated by thousands of animals, birds and insects. And monkeys. Cheeky monkeys that will steal your panty hanging over the balcony if you’re not careful. And don’t get me started on the food again. Nasi Goreng and I = BFFs. And then there’s the vibe. The feeling. It immerses you, that Bali Vibe. It makes you feel free. Liberated. Blissful. Joyous. And like there’s nowhere you need to go. Nothing you need to do. Just be. And soak it all up.

I can confidently say that the past two months with all that I’ve done and seen, all the incredible people I’ve met, got to know and spent time with, lead the list of favourite times in my life. Well, THE favourite time really. Don’t get me wrong, being the lucky bitch that I am, I’ve had countless great times and moments. But this time I think I’ve had an even greater time because I enjoyed every second, lived each day at a time, each moment at a time. And with that, two months all of the sudden feel like two years. In a good way. Two fucking amazing years. Because when you savour each moment so much. Taste it. Smell it. Feel it on your sun-kissed skin and in your heart, it’s almost like time stands still just for you and that very moment. Someone told me to be a participant. In life. In the moment. Immerse fully. That’s when the moment becomes blissful eternity.

Thank you, Bali. You will forever be the lover of my soul and the best friend of my memory.

Next up, India. With all it’s craziness. I’m excited. I need to dig out my scarves, long sleeves and sunglasses that I don’t have. Never had. Imodium, be ready. Haha. Good luck to me. ‘Hati hati’ as Indonesian people would say.

Ok, I’m off to enjoying another of a million stunning sunsets with my feet in the cool white sand and my ears filled with that calming sound of ocean waves.

Laters xx



The universe always provides.

We just forget to trust sometimes, don’t we. Since the teacher training and all our chakra work and healing I’ve actively started to practice trust again. I repeat affirmations. That the universe always provides. That there is abundance. And not only does it just make you feel incredibly good and safe, but it also flippin’ works guys. I’ll give you an example, thanks to my yogi brain I forgot to retrieve my debit card from the ATM after I’d taken out the cash. Because also, unlike in Europe or other places where you get your card out before the money, over on this side of the world things work a bit differently and the other way round. Anyway, I forgot the card and it got pulled in, but all I could think about was that I had money to buy a fresh watermelon juice ha. Ok, next morning, I want to get some more cash out, but my debit card isn’t in my wallet anymore. I almost broke my head trying to figure out what happened to it. Did it get stolen? Na. Did I lose it? Mmmh, but where? After emptying out all my pockets and bags and pouches and nerves I still couldn’t find it and thought that the only plausible explanation is that I left it in the ATM. Whoo. Knowing how cards get pulled in and destroyed, I was certain I had to order a new one from London that would arrive at my old place because I haven’t change the address yet and that my old flatmates will have to send it to me somewhere in Asia without having an address and knowing when I’ll be where. You get the picture. Small moment of despair. But, speaking to a few people took the edge off and I started to trust. Think positive. And that triggered a series of lucky events that eventually lead to having my card back within two hours. Thank you, universe. And yes, I’ll take it as a lesson to be a bit less yogi brain and a bit more organised 🙂

I’ve spent the last four days on an old school boat swaying away in the beautiful place that is Indonesia. We passed hundreds of deserted islands, stunning beaches and volcano peaks on a boat where having a bucket of salt water on board to wash your hands after using what they called the toilet was the most luxurious thing we had. Actually, that’s not true, sleeping open air on the top deck underneath the stars, that was luxury. Not having a shower or soap or anything else that us Westerners consider standard amenities, humbles you in many ways. Grounds you. Liberates you. Because these things are so trivial when you take in the big picture of the beauty of life around you. Being on that boat with amazing and inspiring people, swimming with dolphins and snorkling for manta rays, sea turtles and corals, jumping into the crystal clear water from the top deck and watching the sun rise and set every day – that’s luxury. Another kind of wealth. Soap is totally overrated.

I’ve also taught a yoga class on the top deck which was so much fun and slightly difficult when trying to balance on one leg. We saw Komodo dragons and other incredible wild life. And above all, I connected with many like-minded people. Nomads. World Citizens. Just people that live each day at the time. And that puts your mind at ease. It’s a reassurance that wanting to live my life a certain way isn’t all that irresponsible and risky. I even found myself reassuring other people with things that I’ve come to realise in the last couple of weeks. Sharing and connecting is one of the greatest and most useful skills a human being possesses.

I’m now on the Island of Flores, a beautiful and vast place with more beaches, volcanos and tiny villages with smiley people. Life is good.

And I’m so tanned. 🙂


Becoming a Yoga Teacher

It’s the evening before my final exam to become a certified Yoga Teacher. I’ve lost count over how many exams I’ve had in my entire life, but trust me when I say there have been shit loads. Most of them useless, some brought me closer to where and what I want to be and this one feels like home. Isn’t that great? I’d like to think so. Throughout this month of training I’ve loved every single day, even the days off :). Honestly, it was so reassuring to feel this sense of arrival. Having arrived at something that I truly enjoy doing, teaching. And teaching yoga combines my essence and understanding of a yogic life with the ability to pass it on and share and teach.

In these past four weeks, I’ve gone through many ups and downs, emotions, realisations, memories, visions and conscious moments. I’ve been forced to sit still for hours and hours combined and this gives you nothing other to do than sit with your mess. And sort it out. Or just start with being aware. It’s been incredibly eye and heart opening, honest and truthful and pretty damn intense. The beautiful people around me, all in a similar situation, all compassionate and empathic, helped also to not feel alone with the mess. At the end we’re all one. So here I am again, writing another one of those philosophical post when you just wanted to know what the weather is like on Bali. I can’t help speaking my mind and heart with words and insights that have been added to my consciousness. So, just one more thing that I wanna share that I’ve been working on. Feeling rooted to Mother Earth, no matter where I am, who I am with, how much money there is on my bank account or whether I have an actual home with a roof over my head. I’ve learnt or rather I’m on my way to learn to trust. Trust in abundance. Trust that the universe will provide. And you know what? When I think back of moments where I’ve let go of a lot of material security and being physically close to people – and I’ve done that a few times now – so many doors opened magically for me. And those doors always led to a happy path that felt good, grounding, perfect for that moment in my life. So that’s enough proof even for someone quite rational like me. So I’m taking baby steps towards that trust and with every step I feel lighter and safer. And I also have a mantra that I use and meditate on, it goes: ‘I am grounded. I am safe.’ Give it a go, simple but impactful words. Try it whilst touching the earth, it amplifies the sense of grounding.

Etcha sketch is another thing I’ve learnt. Haha. It’s a thing. Most people reading this might know what it is, but I didn’t. It’s this drawing board that erases everything when you shake it. A vinyasa is like that. You reset your body. Left and right balances out. Your breath and movement realign. Etcha sketch, you’re welcome. 🙂

I should get back to learning my Sanskrit, so I can teach all of you beautiful beings in this beautiful language – you’ll see. It’s like honey in your ears ;).

Ah and the weather here is great by the way, despite rainy season. It rains most days for like an hour and then there is glorious sunshine. Bali is a little paradise. Not quite as untouched as others, but it makes up for it with beautiful nature, stunning volcanos and rice fields, smiles everywhere you look, happiness and countless celebrations. And why not, just to be alive is enough reason to celebrate.

G’night lovely people and thanks for reading x