Becoming a Yoga Teacher

It’s the evening before my final exam to become a certified Yoga Teacher. I’ve lost count over how many exams I’ve had in my entire life, but trust me when I say there have been shit loads. Most of them useless, some brought me closer to where and what I want to be and this one feels like home. Isn’t that great? I’d like to think so. Throughout this month of training I’ve loved every single day, even the days off :). Honestly, it was so reassuring to feel this sense of arrival. Having arrived at something that I truly enjoy doing, teaching. And teaching yoga combines my essence and understanding of a yogic life with the ability to pass it on and share and teach.

In these past four weeks, I’ve gone through many ups and downs, emotions, realisations, memories, visions and conscious moments. I’ve been forced to sit still for hours and hours combined and this gives you nothing other to do than sit with your mess. And sort it out. Or just start with being aware. It’s been incredibly eye and heart opening, honest and truthful and pretty damn intense. The beautiful people around me, all in a similar situation, all compassionate and empathic, helped also to not feel alone with the mess. At the end we’re all one. So here I am again, writing another one of those philosophical post when you just wanted to know what the weather is like on Bali. I can’t help speaking my mind and heart with words and insights that have been added to my consciousness. So, just one more thing that I wanna share that I’ve been working on. Feeling rooted to Mother Earth, no matter where I am, who I am with, how much money there is on my bank account or whether I have an actual home with a roof over my head. I’ve learnt or rather I’m on my way to learn to trust. Trust in abundance. Trust that the universe will provide. And you know what? When I think back of moments where I’ve let go of a lot of material security and being physically close to people – and I’ve done that a few times now – so many doors opened magically for me. And those doors always led to a happy path that felt good, grounding, perfect for that moment in my life. So that’s enough proof even for someone quite rational like me. So I’m taking baby steps towards that trust and with every step I feel lighter and safer. And I also have a mantra that I use and meditate on, it goes: ‘I am grounded. I am safe.’ Give it a go, simple but impactful words. Try it whilst touching the earth, it amplifies the sense of grounding.

Etcha sketch is another thing I’ve learnt. Haha. It’s a thing. Most people reading this might know what it is, but I didn’t. It’s this drawing board that erases everything when you shake it. A vinyasa is like that. You reset your body. Left and right balances out. Your breath and movement realign. Etcha sketch, you’re welcome. šŸ™‚

I should get back to learning my Sanskrit, so I can teach all of you beautiful beings in this beautiful language – you’ll see. It’s like honey in your ears ;).

Ah and the weather here is great by the way, despite rainy season. It rains most days for like an hour and then there is glorious sunshine. Bali is a little paradise. Not quite as untouched as others, but it makes up for it with beautiful nature, stunning volcanos and rice fields, smiles everywhere you look, happiness and countless celebrations. And why not, just to be alive is enough reason to celebrate.

G’night lovely people and thanks for reading x


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